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Do I have to show an image to track if an e-mail is open?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

You have to attach an image, but it can be a small transparent image.

Does PowerEmail track all emails sent from CRM?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

PowerEmail will track the opens and click of any email sent out of CRM, as long as the “Regarding” is set to a contact or a lead. PowerEmail will not track emails sent from Outlook, even if you are using the CRM for Outlook client.

Does the tracking image have to be at the bottom of the page?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

No. You can insert an image anywhere in the e-mail by inserting a token where you want the image inserted. The default token is |potoken|.

How does PowerEmail track if someone opened my email?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

Using PowerEmail will insert an image into the e-mail and the CRM will get updated when the e-mail is opened and the image is downloaded. The default image is the PowerObjects logo, but you can upload a logo and have it inserted at the bottom of the e-mail.

How much does PowerEmail cost?

Date Created: December 23, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

A subscription to PowerEmail is $1/enabled CRM user/month. A user is defined as anyone enabled in your CRM system, including admin and read-only users.

What are the system requirements for PowerEmail?

Date Created: December 23, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

PowerEmail can be used with CRM 2011 or higher and requires acceess ADFS forms based authentication - login fields need to be embedded on the webpage. The cloud cannot access your CRM if you have a pop-up login.

Example of ADFS forms based:

What is being tracked by PowerEmail?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

PowerEmail will track the first time and last time someone opened the email, which links were clicked on, and when they clicked on those URLs in an email sent from CRM.

What is the advantage of PowerMailChimp or PowerEmail over the other?

Date Created: December 17, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

There are a few differences between PowerEmail and PowerMailChimp. First, PowerEmail is meant for individual emails and PowerMailChimp is meant for bulk emails. PowerEmail sends the emails from your own CRM servers, whereas PowerMailChimp sends the emails from MailChimp’s servers.

Why is the PowerObjects logo showing in my email?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

If you have not set up a custom image to be used there, it will default to the PowerObjects logo. To set up a custom image, please follow the steps in the PowerEmail Import Guide on our webpage.

How do I turn off PowerEmail?

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

If you import PowerEmail and you’re not ready to use it yet or you need to stop the PowerEmail functionality, you can deactivate the plugins related to PowerEmail. Please note that if you do deactivate these plugins. PowerEmail will not function until your re-activate the plugins.

To deactivate the plugins, please navigate to CRM and go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System and click on SDK message processing in the left navigation.

Find the plugins related to PowerEmail. Select all of the PowerEmail plugins (there should be 2) and click ‘Deactivate’ at the top of the screen.

Then ‘Save’ & ‘Publish All Customizations’.

How do I upload my image?

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

The first step you want to take after registering for PowerEmail is to import your image to the solution. To upload the image, navigate to the Image Uploader tab in the solutions window, select ‘Add Image’ and select the image you’d like to upload. Also, take note of the name of your image, and what file extension your image has. You will need to know this in the next setup step. This image is used to track opens, and could be a logo, another picture or a small, one-pixel image, as long as it is a .jpg or .png image file.

What is the PowerEmail Confirguration tab for?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

Now that you have your PowerEmail Image set up, navigate to the PowerEmail Configuration tab.

Here you will enter the name of the image you have uploaded along with the suffix indicating the image type (.png, .jpg, etc.). To change this field, double click in the value column.

setup_Logo Alt Text
This will be displayed in lieu of the image, if the email recipient decides not to download images. To change the text in this field, double click in the value column.

You can use this token to place the image somewhere other than at the bottom of your PowerEmail. For example, you can use your company logo as your tracking image and insert that image above your signature in the email by using the |poTrack| token. Note: The tracking token is case sensitive.

setup_Track Emails
This gives you the option to decide whether or not to track opens in your emails. If you would not like to track email opens, simply click in the value field where it says “Yes” and type “No.”

setup_Track Links
This field gives you the option to decide whether or not you’d like to track the links that your recipients are clicking on within the emails you send them. If you do not want to track clicks, simply click in the value field where it says “Yes” and type “No.”

setup_Unsubscribe Link Text
This is the text that will appear at the bottom of each bulk email you send (individual CRM emails will not have this option). When someone clicks on this link at the bottom of your email, the “Bulk Email” radio button will be set to “Do Not Allow” on their CRM record.

setup_Unsubscribe Text Alignment
This field shows you where the ‘Unsubscribe Link Text’ will appear in your email. Left aligned, center aligned, or right aligned. To change this field, click in the value column next to the setting, and type either Left, Right, or Center. Once you are finished making changes to the configuration tab make sure you select save. If you’d like to reset the values here to the default values, choose “Reset”.

Which PowerEmail security role do I need?

Date Created: December 21, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

In order for CRM users that are not system administrators to be able to use PowerEmail, they will need to be assigned to one of the PowerEmail security roles that are automatically imported into the CRM.

PowerEmail User
Every user who would like to have access to PowerEmail (anyone who is sending out emails from CRM) will need the PowerEmail security role assigned to them.

PowerEmail Service User
The PowerEmail Service User security role is meant to be assigned to a user who does not have the System Administration security role but whose CRM login information is listed in the PowerEmail configuration screen,under the CRM Login section.

System Administrators
System Administrators will automatically see PowerEmail in their left navigation and be able to use PowerEmail without even having the security role assigned.

How do I see all the emails that have been opened?

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

Also under the PowerPack section, you will see a link called PowerEmail Opens. This area will list all of the different emails that were opened, sorted by when the email was originally created.

How do I see all the links that have been clicked?

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

In the PowerPack section of your CRM, you will see a section called PowerEmail URL Clicks. This is where all URLs that are clicked on in any email sent out of CRM are tracked.

How do I see the tracking information?

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

If you would like to see if your email has been opened or if the links within the email have been clicked on, navigate to the CRM record and under the activities section open the email you sent. When you open that email record you will notice that there is an area called “PowerEmail.” This area will show you the tracking information for the email, including the number of times the email was opened, when it was first opened, when it was last opened, and any URL’s that were clicked on within that email.

Times Opened
This field will show you the total number of times the recipient opened the email. Note: the recipient has to have downloaded the image at the bottom of the email in order for PowerEmail to count an open.

First Opened
This field will show you when the recipient first opened the email.

Last Opened
This field will show you when the recipient last opened the email.

URL Tracking
This view depicts each time a URL within this particular email was clicked on, showing you the exact URL, and the exact Date/Time the URL was clicked on.

How do I send an email from PowerEmail?

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: March 24, 2015

By default, all emails sent out of your CRM system will be tracked by PowerEmail. If you do not want them to be tracked, simply uncheck the ‘Track this email’ checkbox found on the email form, and then compose your email as you normally would and send. If you would like this checkbox to be unchecked by default, you can customize the form and change the default.

When the email arrives in the recipient’s inbox, it will look something like this:

How do I update my username and password?

Date Created: October 17, 2014 Last Modified: May 25, 2016

To update your CRM username/password in a solution, navigate to Settings, then select Solutions and double click on the PowerPack add-on you need to update. Once the solution page has opened, re-enter the username/password in the CRM Credentials section, and press Submit.

I get an error that says the PowerPack solution license key was not found when I try to send an email.

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: December 22, 2014

To resolve, go to Settings > Customizations > Solutions > double click PowerEmail > fill-in your information and select Submit.

PowerEmail opens are not being tracked in my CRM, why?

Date Created: May 29, 2015 Last Modified: May 29, 2015

An email open is recorded each time the tracking image is rendered or downloaded by the email service. In order for the opens to be tracked, your email recipient or their email provider needs to download the image. If you're seeing PowerEmail tracking of opens for other emails, then the recipient has not downloaded the image.

Website addresses are not converting to links and PowerEmail can't track the URL clicks.

Date Created: December 22, 2014 Last Modified: December 22, 2014

This issue has been reported by users working in Firefox. The issue was resolved by creating and sending the email from CRM using IE 10+.


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