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The CRM Minute: Tips for Dynamics 365 Security


The CRM Minute: Tips for Dynamics 365 Security

Your CRM system has some of your companies most valuable data such as invoices, projects, list of customers, list of prospect, and you may even have PHI data or HIPAA data. Here are five tips on securing your CRM system from our CIO, Alex in this episode of The CRM Minute.

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Hello, everybody. My name is Alex Fagundes, and today we're going to be talking about a couple of tips on securing your CRM system. Your CRM system has some of your companies most valuable data. It's going to have your invoices, your projects, your list of customers, list of prospect, may even have PHI data or HIPAA data. Here are five tips on securing your CRM system.

First your security roles. You want to make sure you have one security role per functional area or per group, and you want this role tightly defined. Make sure that the role only allows rights that are needed. Second, accidental deletion is the number one cause of lost data in most CRM system, so you want to secure against that. You want to make sure that most of your roles do not have deletion right.

In addition, the out-of-the-box system administrator role. This role has all rights in the system. You want to secure that and the easiest way is to make a copy and remove the additional rights that are not needed, such as deletion rights or publishing rights.

Auditing. Auditing is probably the easiest thing you can do to help secure your CRM system. Auditing will track all the deletions, all the values that are changed. You want to turn on auditing on any entity that has valuable data.

Finally, to track users login. PowerObjects has created a tool called PowerGeoLog. This tool tracks exactly where users are logging in from. In addition, it can notify you or the end users if you log in, of course, more than 100 miles away. If you're interested in PowerGeoLog, head over to our PowerPack page and download a fully functional 30-day trial. Also, if you like these steps, we have two on-demand webinars available on our websites. Little tips, big tricks for CRM administrators, and the top ten issues in CRM supports. Thanks for watching The CRM Minute.

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