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D365 In Focus: Get to Know PowerSchedule

D365 In Focus: Get to Know PowerSchedule

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Video Transcript

Hi. My name is Dave Braun. I'm the team lead for North America here at PowerObjects, and, today, I'd like to introduce you to one of our latest PowerPacks, PowerSchedule.

PowerSchedule allows you to schedule your service offerings, register your contacts and leads as attendees, track their attendance and manage the entire thing through a robust intuitive interface. Managing your services has never been easier, so let's get started.

We're going to introduce you to the core elements of PowerSchedule. Facilities, resources, sessions, and registration. The ultimate goal is to get you to a list of sessions that your contacts and leads can sign up to, but we have to talk about a few other things first.

First, let's talk about facilities or physical locations where you plan to deliver your sessions. Facilities should have at least one or more rooms and some equipment. An example might be the PowerObjects' headquarters, at 718 Washington Avenue, has three training rooms, and each of those training rooms has a projector, a whiteboard and 20 seats available.

Next, let's talk about resources. Resources allow you to define availability for items critical to delivering your sessions. Three record types can be configured as resources. Staff, rooms, and equipment. Let's talk a little bit about staff.

Staff are unique records that help you identify individuals in your organization who will be delivering or assisting in delivering your sessions. Staff can be configured with a unique staff type, skills, and certifications that let you search that individual when you're configuring your sessions.

Let's go back to our example of the PowerObjects' headquarters and its training rooms. You can see here that Joe D365 has been configured as a trainer staff type and has several skills and certifications that may qualify him to deliver certain content.

Now, let's talk a little bit about sessions or services you plan to deliver to your clients. Sessions can be grouped under three main record types. Programs, think of programs like core services that you deliver for your clients; offerings, or specific groupings or services catered to specific locations; and classes, templates from which you plan to build one or more sessions.

Let's dive into classes a little bit. Classes are templates that allow you to define what each of your sessions should look like so you can create them in just a few button clicks. Let's take a look.

The class record allows you to configure key metrics like capacity, fees, and whether or not your attendees must preregister for each session. Remember, this is just a template and it can be changed later.

The clone class feature lets you copy this class and its configuration so you can tweak it for your future needs. The most important feature of the class template is the ability to configure placeholders or session resources to define the structure and needs of each session without specifically identifying a resource right away.

The "Resources" tab contains a summary of all session resources for this class template. We can see that this session requires an instructor and a training room. This configuration is copied to each session created from this class template so you're deliverables are consistent every time.

Once you're ready to create sessions from this class template, click the "Calendar" button on the ribbon to open the calendar view. The calendar view shows all of your sessions for this class template in month, week or day views.

Find an open spot on the calendar and click "Begin" to create a new session. You should see all the critical information from the class we just saw right here on the screen.

Once the record is saved for the first time, we can begin configuring resources. On the "Staff" tab, we see an instructor is defined on the class template, but no staff has been assigned to lead the session. You can search for a staff by clicking the "Add Staff" button to define an instructor. For this session, we want Joe D365 to be our instructor.

Now, let's talk about registering contacts and leads for your sessions. Registration in PowerSchedule is made up of two components. Registrations, think of it like signing up; and participant, a confirmation that your registration has been accepted.

Now, let's go back to our session. Click the "Add Participants" button to search or create contacts and leads to attend your sessions. You can search and select multiple contacts or leads at once. You can choose to automatically assign a contact or a lead as a participant or sign them up as a registration-only, which may or may not be confirmed at a later time.

Clicking the "Register" button will create the registrations and show you a summary page. Your contacts and leads are now registered for the session. Once the session window is closed, you should see the new session on your calendar.

That's PowerSchedule. Be sure to go to our website, powerobjects.com, and download the free 30-day trial. Sign up for our PowerPack Newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest products and features, and check out our webcast where we'll dive deeper into the functionality and features of PowerSchedule, and thank you for watching Dynamics 365 In Focus.

That's PowerSchedule. Be sure to go to powerobjects.com and download the free 30-day trial and sign up for the PowerPack Newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest products and features. Thank you for watching Dynamics 365 In Focus.

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